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Terms and Conditions

Before taking part in any of Poise Physiotherapy online exercise resources, please take a moment to review the exercise waiver below

Health Disclaimer

All physical exercise may pose a risk of injury or physical or mental exhaustion.  In particular, post pregnancy it is important that you are aware that it is your sole responsibility to decide whether to discuss your participation in these exercise classes with your GP before commencing using them although we would strongly recommend that you do so.  All of the exercises, poses, moves and instructions are not required to be performed by you and if so performed, they are done so at your own election. You are responsible for your health and you must not exceed your own limitations in the practice of physical exercise.

Dangerous conditions
Should you have any of the following dangerous conditions we strongly recommend that you do not partake in our exercise class.  If you choose to ignore our recommendation, it is at your sole risk exclusively.

The dangerous conditions are:

Cardiac disease
Restrictive lung disease
Heavy smoker (more than 20 cigarettes a day)
Orthopaedic limitations
Poorly controlled hypertension
Extremely sedentary lifestyle
Unevaluated maternal cardiac arrhythmia
Chronic bronchitis
Poorly controlled thyroid disease
Morbid obesity (body mass index greater than 40)
Malnutrition or eating disorder
Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus
Poorly controlled seizures
Anaemia (haemoglobin less than 100 g/l).
Less than one month after giving birth.

Warning conditions
If you experience any of the following warning conditions before or during the course of the exercise class, it is recommended that you stop all form of exercise and consult with your own GP and/or obstetrician. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you are physically fit and able to engage with the services. Listen to your own body during the exercises performed. The list of warning conditions is as follows:

Excessive shortness of breath
Chest pain or palpitations
Presyncope or dizziness
Increased Vaginal bleeding
Excessive fatigue
Abdominal pain, particularly in back or pubic area
Severe pelvic girdle pain
Dyspnoea before exertion
Muscle weakness
Calf pain or swelling

We strongly recommend that you do not use these exercise classes where you have any of the dangerous conditions outlined above and if any of the warning conditions arise before or during the services, we recommend that you stop using the services and consult with your own GP whether to continue using the exercise classes or not.

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